Karen Choi

TST – 蔡婉婷物理治療師Karen Choi

Registered Physiotherapist (HK, CAN)

MSc in Physiothreapy (WU, CAN)

Accreditated acupuncture practitioner (HKPA)

Certificate in Manual Therapy (CU, Aus)

IASTM Certificate (HK)

International BASI Pilates Instructor (HK)

International Professional Aromatherapist Certificate

Registered Member of International Federation of Professional Aromatherapist (IFPA)




Karen是於加拿大多倫多接受訓練的物理治療師。她於2007年在加拿大西安大略大學修讀並獲得醫學科學 (榮譽) 學士學位,主修人體生理學;並於2009年獲得物理治療碩士學位。Karen曾於加拿大及香港公立醫院,綜合醫療中心及私營診所擔任物理治療師,為各類病人提供物理治療服務並累積了豐富的臨床經驗。

Karen致力於提高治療的質素,她先後修畢各種專業課程。Karen以豐富的臨床經驗配合手法治療,針灸及運動治療,為病人提供專業的評估及治療服務,包括頸背部疼痛,運動損傷,軟組織勞損,手術後復康,產前/產後運動以及核心肌肉訓練。Karen在2015年開始推廣普拉提運動 (BASI©️Pilates)。她熱衷於將普拉提運動運用在病人康復治療過程中,幫助病人恢復正常的身體機能,減輕由於姿勢不佳,肌肉不平衡,急性或慢性損傷而導致的疼痛。之後2023年Karen獲得ISST德國施羅斯療法治療師資格,以充分協助脊椎側彎患者控制病情。 Karen堅信「預防勝於治療」。她經常透過不同場合的講座和運動課程(客戶包括賽馬會康復中心及地鐵有限公司等),向公眾教傳授健康的生活方式。



Karen is a Canadian trained Physiotherapist from Toronto, Canada. She attained a bachelor’s degree in Medical Science with a specialization in Physiology in 2007 and obtained her Master of Physical Therapy at the University of Western Ontario in 2009.

She has worked in many clinical settings including multidisciplinary medical center, hospital and private clinic. Dedicated to treating her patients skillfully, she has pursued varous post graduate certifications including Acupuncture, Manipulative Spinal Therapy, IASTM, and k-taping. She is also a Pilates instructor since 2015. Since then, she is passionate to incorporate Pilates in the rehabilitation process to restore normal body movements, thereby relieving pain as a result of poor postures, imbalanced muscles, acute or chronic injuries. Subsequently, Karen pursued further study to become an ISST Schroth Therapist in order to fully assist scoliosis patients manage their condition.

Karen strongly believes in “Prevention is better than cure”. She frequently devotes her time in educating the general public in healthy lifestyle through health seminars and exercise classes. Some of her partners include Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon, Jockey Club Rehabilitation Center, and corporations such as MTR Co. Ltd.




Karen is also a certified Pilates instructor.

Karen started her Pilates training with BASI© in 2015.

Since then, she is passionate to incorporate Pilates in the rehabilitation process to restore normal body movements, thereby relieving pain as a result of poor postures, imbalanced muscles, acute or chronic injuries.







Karen strongly believes in “Prevention is better than cure”.

She frequently devotes her time in educating the general public in healthy lifestyle through health seminars and exercise classes.

Some of her partners include Jockey Club Rehabilitation Center, and corporations such as MTR Co. Ltd.